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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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Mechanical / Re: Choke staying on only for ...
Last post by CraddyMcPatty - 11/11/24 - 13:40:08
I believe it adjusts friction, if I remember correctly.
Mechanical / Re: Choke staying on only for ...
Last post by S Barker - 04/11/24 - 19:49:07
I'm not very familiar with the 125 but I think the choke should stay on until you release it !

According to the manual there is an adjuster under the rubber cover below the knob.

Does that adjust the friction or the end stop position ?
Electrical / Iregular neutral light and hig...
Last post by DanTheMan - 04/11/24 - 16:44:52
Hey there,
I have been met with an issue on my 06 Baby Varadero.
The neutral and high beam lights are blinking seemingly randomly, it usually lights up fine after i add gas (Vibrations?). Mostly experienced this with the neutral light.
The signal from the neutral switch must be getting fine to the computer, since i had no problems with starting even with the clutch released and the neutral light off. (and yes it indeed was in neutral.)
I took apart the instrument cluster, only note worthy thing is that the contacts between the PCB and the light holders seemed scraped.
Any ideas what to check next or how should i proceed about the scraped contacts?
Happy riding,
Mechanical / Choke staying on only for a fe...
Last post by DanTheMan - 04/11/24 - 16:30:10
Hi there,
After some cold has set in, i found myself needing the choke more and more on my 06 Baby Varadero.
After i pull the choke and start the bike, the rpms are at first around 2k, after 1-2 seconds the drop under 1k.
Imo the choke valve is pulling itself back way too fast.
Is this normal or should i be concerned?
What should i look out for?
Happy riding,
Mechanical / Re: Carbs not opening?
Last post by DanTheMan - 04/11/24 - 16:20:48
It seems I was referencing the vacuum piston... Stupid mistake on my end.
Useful video, thank you very much.
Happy riding!
Mechanical / Re: Carbs not opening?
Last post by S Barker - 04/11/24 - 08:57:54
It's a CV carb.

Have a look at this 

Mechanical / Carbs not opening?
Last post by DanTheMan - 03/11/24 - 10:16:24
Hey there,
when changing the air filter on my 06 baby Varadero, I noticed the rear carb was not opening, when pulling the throttle.
So i dug a bit further and found out that both carbs are not opening, even though the linkage was moving.
The carbs are not seized, i could move the slide manually and the bike was running when i last started it. (about 3 weeks ago)
Am i missing something?
Definitely saving this post for when I fit mine.
Electrical / Re: Instrument cluster
Last post by cordoroypants - 30/10/24 - 03:49:10
Pretty sure the early models (pre-2003) are interchangeable regardless of HISS, but I'd recommend getting pictures of the connectors before buying anything. Just to be safe.
Electrical / Re: 2003 v1 xl125 side stand s...
Last post by cordoroypants - 30/10/24 - 03:48:18
Have you tried giving the whole area a good clean with contact cleaner? Sometimes these sensors can get pretty gunked up and start doing weird things.