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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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Honda Centre Stand

Started by curzon, 02/06/09 - 23:59:49

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I've just fitted a genuine Honda centre stand, to ordered from David Silver spares.

Fitting was a little tricky, not helped by the slightly ambiguous instrictions, but I figured it out! The hardest bit was fitting the two springs under tension, that took a bit of sweating and cursing but got there in the end.

Now it is ideal for chain cleaning / lubrication rear wheel removal and general cleaning and maintenance etc. Why on earth do Honda fit these as standard to the Vara 1000?


.... another one who didnt read the 'tuppences in the spring' tip..... ::)
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path..... and leave a trail...!

.....and remember, "Light travels faster than the speed of sound, which is why some people appear bright until they speak"


Quote from: curzon on  02/06/09 - 23:59:49
I've just fitted a genuine Honda centre stand,

Why on earth do Honda fit these as standard to the Vara 1000?

cos its a ?150- ?200 necessary bolt-on that nearly everyone will buy !!
HOC 28770
I GOT FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES                                                              
Treat lifes little  problems like your dog would, if you cant eat it or shag it,  PISS ON IT and walk away !



hey up guys is there onefor a vara 125 dose anyone know were i can get one cheap

S Barker

Fitted the centre stand back on today and remembered Harvs suggestion for using coins to hold the srping open.

Brilliant   <worship

I've added a description in the Wiki -



I wonder what happen if I click on this - Ooops


Quote from: maz125 on  03/06/09 - 20:36:18

hey up guys is there onefor a vara 125 dose anyone know were i can get one cheap

Maz125... Try your Honda dealer as there is a standard centre stand for the baby V. Cheep one.. Try Ebay!!  :2funny: or I found this..


Had mine fitted (Genuin Honda) by the as part of the deal from the Honda dealer (  :D ) when I bought my bike. Found it a great asset.


Quote from: S Barker on  15/01/11 - 13:30:08
Fitted the centre stand back on today and remembered Harvs suggestion for using coins to hold the srping open.

Brilliant   <worship

I've added a description in the Wiki -



A Scotsman using money in a place where it might fly off.  Must be some kind of illness.   >:D

My initials are GS, but I ride a Varadero.

S Barker

Quote from: tarwdu on  15/01/11 - 21:57:18
A Scotsman using money in a place where it might fly off.  Must be some kind of illness.   

I'm not daft, that was my sons pocket money for the week  ::)
I wonder what happen if I click on this - Ooops