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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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125 Open Forum / Re: Rattly sound at low rpms
Last post by atimofejev - 01/07/24 - 17:10:56
On the right side of the engine, you have oil and water pump, but that shouldn't produce rattling and clutch, which might be.
It there any change in the sound with clutch pressed?

Most likely, you have something loose and rattling in exhaust pipes or silencer.
125 Open Forum / Re: Rattly sound at low rpms
Last post by S Barker - 30/06/24 - 22:43:22

Worn chain ?
125 Open Forum / Rattly sound at low rpms
Last post by Veckymoto - 30/06/24 - 18:35:51
Recently my varadero has been having a kind of ratly sound in low rpms (I think), most noticable when im decelerating at roundabouts for example. It comes from the right side of the engine, and kinds sounds like bolts being shook around in a metal container? Its a weird sound to say at the least, bikes still runs just fine. Any ideas?
125 Open Forum / Stator
Last post by Micro - 29/06/24 - 15:49:37
I'm not having a lot of luck at the minute ffs. My bike isn't charging and I bought a new r/r but it still won't charge, battery seems ok and holds the charge from a battery charger. I'm trying to check the stator but I'm not 100% on how to do it, tried utube but just getting more confused. I've disconnected the rectifier and checked the volts at A/C. reading on all 3 wires at idle are 3.5- 3.5-1.2. They all increase when revved @5000 revs but still only go up to about 10,000 on 2 connections and about 5 or 6ooo on the third. Is my stator buggered ???
Mechanical / Front brake caliper
Last post by Micro - 27/06/24 - 13:31:29
Hi, my 2004 varadero 125 needs a complete front brake caliper. A pin needed removed using a screw extractor which then broke off in the hole. Tried drilling it and even had an engineering firm try to fix it but no joy. Even cobalt bits dont make a dent in it. Anyway, I'm having problems getting a 2nd hand caliper although I can see one's advertised as universal. Any idea if these would work or where I can get a 2nd hand caliper. Thanks in advance for any help.
125 Open Forum / Re: Side stand switch connecto...
Last post by Berks Dad - 24/06/24 - 17:19:12
Service manual would be great as Haynes useless


Have it now thanks so removing email to stop spam
125 Open Forum / Re: Side stand switch connecto...
Last post by atimofejev - 24/06/24 - 16:48:35
In case you haven't found it yet, connector is under left plastic cover, below the seat, left of the battery.
I had similar issue recently, but in my case, it was not contacts, problem was with wires that are coming out of side stand switch. It is reparable, but pay attention to wire colors (ask me how I know?).

I thought it is a simple switch, but apparently, it uses the chassis ground at certain position. Good news it that it can be jumped at connector next to the battery to enable motorcycle to start.

I don't see option to attach the file here, but I can send you Side stand section as an image or complete service manual in pdf it you need one.

125 Open Forum / Re: Back brake rubbing
Last post by Berks Dad - 18/06/24 - 18:16:59
May just be grub in the caliper meaning piston not fully retracting and pad rubbing.

Try cleaning it properly (maybe with brake cleaner ) and see if sorts. If not may need a caliper rebuild
125 Open Forum / Side stand switch connector lo...
Last post by Berks Dad - 18/06/24 - 18:14:47
I have been riding and maintaining my own bikes since 1986, daughter has an early v7, has refused to start today.

Had the issue before where she wiggled and wd40'd the side stand switch and it worked but that now not working.

I want to disconnect the connection and jump the pins to test if switch is the issue, but where is it (before I rip the bike apart)
