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Warranty (or lack of)

Started by gingerchin, 16/08/08 - 13:43:54

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Quote from: Mark H on  18/08/08 - 13:53:59
Maybe VUK should be a Honda bashing session - is there anyone on the forum with links to the publishing industry that could run an expose in their motoring pages?

Glad I bought a Yamaha....

Don't leave too much fuel in your bike at vuk.  When the bonfire gets low we just want more heat, not an explosion!
Seriously though, Honda's reliability is pretty good but when there is an issue they should deal with it.
My initials are GS, but I ride a Varadero.

Mark H

Tarwdu. No worries. My FJR is a blue one.
Team DNF is now just waiting for another arse kicking...

The Prodded Dog

I would fire an email off to all the addresses Stewart mentioned complaining of their poor product and pissawful dealer. Mention you are a founder member of this and the international forums and that the members of same are following this closely.
Plus park your arctic across the dealers forecourt entrance when your tacho says you need a rest.
I can still do all the things I could when I was 21, but now it is with less teeth.


Quote from: gingerchin on  18/08/08 - 16:23:42
SB, wouldnt even waste time contacting BelfastHonda, having spoke to them today , it now seems that after telling me they had been in contact with Honda warranty team on more than one occassion it now seems they only spoke to them once (verbally) and were to told not to enter into warranty claim , this ive been told from Hondas people who have asked me to go back to BelfastH- and see why they didnt describe in more detail or take fotos off the problem . so honda want me to contact dealer - dealer wants me to get honda to contact them so on so on and so on .

Mark & Lazy

id rather give them a chance to sort it out rather than slag them off as  last week id been told Belfast H had "push them" on the warranty issue . i wish they had off "pushed" me to pay them !
its going to turn into "oh its not us its the dealers fault" or "oh we only do what Honda tell us"

as for Yamaha , couldnt buy one my nephew works in the service dept  :-\     

Welcome to the world of Hursts BMUU :wallbash:
Destined to go through life pushing doors marked pull


HOC 28770, have you mentioned your dissapointment to the HOC?


 EX - 28770  :(  . would it have helped or just been another platform to hang honda ! im more pissed off because i cant fault the bike . for me the vara is 100% it the service/warranty/customer care bit thats the problem. maybe its the norm its the 1st warranty claim ive had to make . alot of fault lies with dealer i felt they were doing more than they actually did !!

HOC 28770
I GOT FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES                                                              
Treat lifes little  problems like your dog would, if you cant eat it or shag it,  PISS ON IT and walk away !



Quote from: Mark H on  18/08/08 - 17:56:44
Tarwdu. No worries. My FJR is a blue one.

My bikes blue and we all know blue bikes are the slow ones. ::)
HOC  29504


... torch the bastid and claim on the insurance..... might get enough to put a deposit down on an Orange one.... ::)
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path..... and leave a trail...!

.....and remember, "Light travels faster than the speed of sound, which is why some people appear bright until they speak"


quote from Honda .......................

"We understand that your motorcycle has covered 16,000 miles and this item
is on the servicing schedule as requring a visual check at 8,000 and 16,000
miles.  Belfast Honda have requested service history from yourself for your
motorcycle, but unfortunately at present this has not been produced,
however we understand you have advised that the motorcycle has received
these services"

wonder were they got the mileage from ??

funny since ive produced proof of service nobody wants to speak to me .............................. oh and it hasnt covered 16k so i cant prove  a 16k service (note to self ring BelfastHonda and book in for service)

foooook afffffff.

anyone care to ellaborate on the 'term'  VISUAL . ?
HOC 28770
I GOT FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES                                                              
Treat lifes little  problems like your dog would, if you cant eat it or shag it,  PISS ON IT and walk away !



Quote from: The prodded dog on  18/08/08 - 20:41:17
I would fire an email off to all the addresses Stewart mentioned complaining of their poor product and pissawful dealer. Mention you are a founder member of this and the international forums and that the members of same are following this closely.


I agree, doesn't cost you anything to sit and type out an email - one email copy all in it !!

If nothing else be interesting to see the response, or lack off
If it ain't broke . . Don't fix it !!!



Honda are sorry to hear  that i didnt recieve the level of customer care that i was entitled/expected  to  recieve.   :rtfm:   
breakdown in communications  #sos#

part in question / mileage  premature failure

CONTACT dealer for FULL refund.


TPD .... can i move my wagon now ??  :ni_mogu:
HOC 28770
I GOT FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES                                                              
Treat lifes little  problems like your dog would, if you cant eat it or shag it,  PISS ON IT and walk away !



Hurrah !!! Lashings of ginger's beer all round in celebration  :dance2:
HOC 28750
"There's no such thing as bad weather; just the wrong clothes" (Billy Connolly)  "I'm on the whisky diet....I've lost three days already"! (Tommy Cooper)
Knowledge is luggage:- I travel light.


Great result :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

But why feck you around in the first place.

I think Belfast Honda come out of this very badly.

Keep her on the pipe
HOC 29080

The Prodded Dog

Gingerchin, yes you can now move the wagon, after all you have got to earn a living!!
Practice being smug   :coolsmiley: when you walk in and receive your full refund and even wind the bastids up by expecting an ex gratia payment, discount on spares, accessories, 50 % off next service etc to compensate you for their abysmal service. (no icon for tossers!)
Well done for your perseverance.
I can still do all the things I could when I was 21, but now it is with less teeth.

Dee Dub

Well done! I've read too much "they know best so just roll over and die" sentiments recently. Glad to hear of someone who got justice.  :beer: