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125 Links

Started by Avalon, 04/07/04 - 03:09:50

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the ***** its for the 1000 in with the 125 lot was just off the phone to them but the do 1 for the cbr125 and sayed it might fit so if some 1 could find out then we all could get 1 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Mad Martyn



 yeah  honda varaderos r very fun too ride  :crazy2:
and its thumbs up from the lad in lincolnshire
oh ya ithas been very relierble for me apart my fork seal went so i could ride it till it was fixed wich was a bumer.it gose like a dream now??? ;D


Hey guys, put these links in another thread, but thought I'd put them up here as well. Its a load of parts lists and exploded views of just about every bit of the baby Vara. I know its all in Euros but they do UK delivery. Problem is the Baby Vara is big in France & Spain so parts are easier to come by there. Anyway, enjoy:

V1 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V1-E-MPH

V2 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V2-E-MPH

V3 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V3-E-MPH

V4 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V4-E-MPH

V5 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V5-E-MPH

V6 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V6-E-MPH

V7&8 - http://zsf-motorrad.de/en/Spares/XL125V7-E-MPH

Biking isn't for everyone, just those who actually want to live life.


For a new owner of a "streetfighter" (aka dropped and missing a few bits) '03 Varadero 125, those exploded diagram links are golddust!!! Many thanks. Now I can tell what bits to buy on eBay to check they will fit! :beer: <thanks>


My first stop for Honda parts these days:


You need to be signed up to access the list but if anyone is planning longer term ownership, it's absolutely worth signing up & there's no emails or spam
Biking isn't for everyone, just those who actually want to live life.


Apologies if these have been posted before... Just to add to what's listed above, I found these earlier and thought they were quite useful for part identification. I find drawings like this make it easier to take things apart and put them back together again, and to be able to identify components for replacement!

V1 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V1-11988.html

V2 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V2-11993.html

V3 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V3-12000.html

V4 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V4-12007.html

V5 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V5-12011.html

V6 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V6-12015.html

V7 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V7-12023.html

V8 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V8-12024.html

V9 - http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/moto-honda-identification-XL125V9-12036.html

These are just the diagrams/parts that the supplier has listed for the UK. If you go to the homepage, http://www.bike-parts-honda.com/index.php, you can obviously search by different countries and for other Honda bikes. Unfortunately, prices given are in Euros...  ::)
I'd rather be out riding my bike right now.


It's also been suggested that I post this link to an electrical diagram for the 125 on here for ease of reference:


I hate messing with the electrics, but these sort of diagrams usually help me to work out what I'm looking at if I absolutely have to do it!
I'd rather be out riding my bike right now.


Quote from: blackpooldaz on  23/02/05 - 21:51:48
Just to let you know that I have been extensively searching for new varadero bits. Anyway I have come up mint. I tried ebay but not on the UK or international site. Instead I went to www.ebay.de and www.ebay.fr and put a search in for varadero. The bits that came up were beautifuls. Anyway I have on order a chrome brake resevoir lid saying varadero xl125v on for 12 quid and for a hugger and belly pan it is the equivalent of 118quid. Try it to see!

is there a way to read this in english or is it all guess work going by photos ?


A must
All Honda models covered in a drop down choice menu,  wanted original Varadero graphics as they are not lumpy lazer  cut. Found em no problem,they have extensive parts catalogue and prices.   It?s winter  too.  Ant riding in the snow, fell off, Slid on my ass in 1979 in a snow flurry
Take the Car    Polish bike.   Happy days