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Deposit paid on a new Africa Twin!

Started by BigYin, 12/04/17 - 18:25:23

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Excited! Just put down a deposit to secure a brand spanking new Africa twin to become a stablemate to my faithful Vara   8)

Due to collect it on Sat 29th  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Congrats on your new ride. Superb line up you have there.


Picked the AT up just over 3 weeks ago  ;D

400 or so miles later I'm loving it  8)

It's such a different animal to the Vara - lighter and thinner, but just as much poke, and better mpg too, although that doesn't quite make up for the smaller tank - range is around 180 miles of commuting use before the fuel warning come on, compared to 220 miles for the Vara.

It's going to have a wee holiday now while I sod off on hols  :)