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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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S Barker

Palmer Screen Adaptor

Started by BigYin, 15/07/15 - 22:04:36

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I fitted this soon after getting my Vara (08) - it's been fantastic!


Basically it holds the screen proud of the fairing, allowing air to get up under it, preventing the low pressure area behind the screen which causes all the buffeting.

Heartily recommend it, doddle to fit too  8)


I've had mine on for about a year now and I endorse what you say. It's also very adjustable and if you purchase the mounting bar with it, it's the perfect mount for satnav etc.
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to seek permission.


Big Yin did you use the Palmer brackets with a standard screen?


Quote from: dozz on  28/08/15 - 19:55:13
Big Yin did you use the Palmer brackets with a standard screen?

I have a Mira screen with my Palmer brackets
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to seek permission.


Well I've just ordered one, I'll use it with my standard screen with Puig slide up and down adaption and see how it works,


I had a tall MRA screen on mine which was ok I suppose.
After fitting the pallmer brackets I went back to the original Honda screen and much much better.
Good product and well made.
Highly recommended.
My initials are GS, but I ride a Varadero.


It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to seek permission.


Quote from: dozz on  28/08/15 - 19:55:13
Big Yin did you use the Palmer brackets with a standard screen?

sorry, been a while since I was on - yes, standard screen  8)


Well to be honest, i'm not that impressed with the Palmer brackets so far, ive tried most variations and none seems any better than standard, bike on sorn now, might be selling in april time as wife says I have too many bikes