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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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125 Open Forum / quick questions
Last post by Cspenny2k3 - 02/12/24 - 02:08:32
First post on her and got a couple questions,

ive gotten myself a carbed baby vara as my first bike in september and roughly done 4k miles since, was wondering what tires are recomended because the ones on are old n really sh*** in the wet. also wondering if these pannier racks advertised for the later models of the bike will fit the old ones, thank youu
Mechanical / XLV1000 Problem/s
Last post by baikunewzealand - 26/11/24 - 19:14:39
Hi all Varadero enthusiasts.

I have just purchased this bike a few months ago. A 2008 XLV1000. On my second ride on the bike i noticed a popping sound from the exhaust when slowing down with engine braking.

I did a quick google after i found this issue, and read something about gaskets/rings? between the headers and the block that are common to fail in this bike. So i removed the exhausts and found there was no gaskets/rings there. I ordered these and replaced them.

When retightening the brace that holds the pipe to the engine, i stripped the thread on one of the bolt holes. :O

So i went through the process of taking off the head to get the hole helicoiled by a local machinist.

On reassembley of the camshafts onto the engine i set the timing as per the manual.

I turned the engine round untill FT was visible on the flywheel AND the front camsprockets showed horizontal FI/FE marks. I then kept turning untill RT was aligned (anticlockwise).

I then reinstalled the rear camshaft including the tensioner which proved very difficult. i have noticed its rather tight but i suppose thats how it works. I used a small screwdriver to keep the tensioner coiled and then once the camshaft covers were installed i realeased the screwdriver which extended the tensioner.

After installing the fuel tank etc. I started the engine. It ran rough as before if not worse. I stopped it after 5 seconds worried I had the camshaft missaligned and there fore valves bent.

I guess my questions are, for any experts. Is there anything done here that I have done wrong? I have yet to take the rocker cover off again and recheck the alignment as bike is in storage until weekend. If i bent a valve would i have known about it? would it have been a loud bang? Is there a chance I have just misaligned the rear camshaft by a tooth or 2? Just any experience/advice really appreciated if you dont mind.


1. Bike popping/backfiring on engine braking.
2. Suspected failed exhaust gaskets
3. Stripped thread in block bolt hole which holds pipe brace whilst replacing gaskets
4. removed head to have hole helicoiled
5. on reasemmbly aligned Flywheel to FT (front camshaft to FE-FI) turned anticlockwise to RT for rear camshaft install
6. started up, very rough worried i have damaged valves.

Question. Can this engine survive being a tooth or two out on one of the camshafts?
Question. Does the reinstallation of the cam chain tensioner sound correct?
Question. Has anyone had any similar experiences with this bike, can offer any advice?

Thank you in advance

Mechanical / Re: Choke staying on only for ...
Last post by CraddyMcPatty - 11/11/24 - 13:40:08
I believe it adjusts friction, if I remember correctly.
Mechanical / Re: Choke staying on only for ...
Last post by S Barker - 04/11/24 - 19:49:07
I'm not very familiar with the 125 but I think the choke should stay on until you release it !

According to the manual there is an adjuster under the rubber cover below the knob.

Does that adjust the friction or the end stop position ?
Electrical / Iregular neutral light and hig...
Last post by DanTheMan - 04/11/24 - 16:44:52
Hey there,
I have been met with an issue on my 06 Baby Varadero.
The neutral and high beam lights are blinking seemingly randomly, it usually lights up fine after i add gas (Vibrations?). Mostly experienced this with the neutral light.
The signal from the neutral switch must be getting fine to the computer, since i had no problems with starting even with the clutch released and the neutral light off. (and yes it indeed was in neutral.)
I took apart the instrument cluster, only note worthy thing is that the contacts between the PCB and the light holders seemed scraped.
Any ideas what to check next or how should i proceed about the scraped contacts?
Happy riding,
Mechanical / Choke staying on only for a fe...
Last post by DanTheMan - 04/11/24 - 16:30:10
Hi there,
After some cold has set in, i found myself needing the choke more and more on my 06 Baby Varadero.
After i pull the choke and start the bike, the rpms are at first around 2k, after 1-2 seconds the drop under 1k.
Imo the choke valve is pulling itself back way too fast.
Is this normal or should i be concerned?
What should i look out for?
Happy riding,
Mechanical / Re: Carbs not opening?
Last post by DanTheMan - 04/11/24 - 16:20:48
It seems I was referencing the vacuum piston... Stupid mistake on my end.
Useful video, thank you very much.
Happy riding!
Mechanical / Re: Carbs not opening?
Last post by S Barker - 04/11/24 - 08:57:54
It's a CV carb.

Have a look at this
Mechanical / Carbs not opening?
Last post by DanTheMan - 03/11/24 - 10:16:24
Hey there,
when changing the air filter on my 06 baby Varadero, I noticed the rear carb was not opening, when pulling the throttle.
So i dug a bit further and found out that both carbs are not opening, even though the linkage was moving.
The carbs are not seized, i could move the slide manually and the bike was running when i last started it. (about 3 weeks ago)
Am i missing something?
Definitely saving this post for when I fit mine.