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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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Merry Christmas!

Started by Sarge Butt, 17/12/14 - 20:13:44

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Sarge Butt

Haven't posted for quite a while, though I do pop back for a lurk occasionally!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all me ex-muckers. Have a nice one!!
Butt?, F*cking Butt?? It's F*cking Sarge to you!


"One has to leave the world to discover it "

2011 xl 1000

Shasta White !


And a Grand New Year  ;)

YoU CaNt AlWaYs GeT WhAt YoU WaNt BuT If YoU TrY YoU MiGhT JuSt GeT WhAt YoU nEeD .................. ;->


Merry Christmas all :) also a lurker and sometime poster. I'm sure the forum has seen more active days... :)
Fitted: Centre Stand, heated grips, hand guards,  GIVI tall windshield, GIVI E22 panniers & topbox

Drooling at: Bellypan

Living the dream!


Merry Christmas to all our English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish and North Irish friends from Oslo.
We're getting covered in white snow just now.
Looking forward to see you in France.


The Prodded Dog

Merry Christmas from me to friends old and new.
The Prodded Dog
I can still do all the things I could when I was 21, but now it is with less teeth.


Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda.

i.e Happy xmas and happy new year (in Welsh)

See you all in France next year.  I will be on my varadero.  Not a GS or explorer or tenere  or anything else that people have defected to !!!!

My initials are GS, but I ride a Varadero.


Have a great one guys

Keep her on the pipe
HOC 29080

Mark H

..and a Happy New Year...!
Team DNF is now just waiting for another arse kicking...


Big Dave

Just cos your breathing doesn't mean your alive
Shiny side up:-)
Vim 10 Zanka Hungary       2008
Vim 11 Assos Turkey          2009
Vim 12 Zams Austria          2010
Vim 13 Vyhne Slovakia       2011
Vim 14 Taraggona Spain     2012
Vim 15  Cardigan   Wales    2013
Vim 16 Gerianger Norway    2014 car