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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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Forum name change?

Started by LazyRider, 10/12/13 - 11:40:14

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With the demise of the Varadero 1000 and the International Varadero Forum now officially including the Crosstourer in its title, is it time to expand the welcome of the Varadero UK Forum?

I have always like the Belgian 'Varadero Friends'.  Perhaps we could extend the heading name to Varadero + Friends.  :)

After all riders of all makes and models have many things in common and there is bound to be hints and tips we could pass on; i.e. if its not a Honda it is a load of junk!  ;)


Quote from: LazyRider on  10/12/13 - 11:40:14
With the demise of the Varadero 1000

never  ???... ye olde Varadero1000 will regroup and roll on as the old guard of the tour bike .... the ever rolling metal steed ...  8)
The Varabeast  !!!... not for the faint of heart ... :OP

Lifes an adventure , lets see where it takes us !?!

Tis great weather for ducks .... and Varadero`s


YoU CaNt AlWaYs GeT WhAt YoU WaNt BuT If YoU TrY YoU MiGhT JuSt GeT WhAt YoU nEeD .................. ;->


Call it the BMUU GSA group - as thats what most people end up buying  >:D

;) ;)
If life IS like a "box of chocolates" - then I got the one with all the bloody nuts in it!

Mark H

I think most of us oldies have Caravans and Campers now...
Team DNF is now just waiting for another arse kicking...


Quote from: Mark H on  11/12/13 - 21:43:05
I think most of us oldies have Caravans and Campers now...

Some seem to embrace old age long before their time.   I have a caravan/camper on my list, but it comes after the need for a stairlift ;-)


caravan/camper ... nope i refuse to accept that ....unlesssss..... its two varadero 1000s under a caravan shell ...  8)
The Varabeast  !!!... not for the faint of heart ... :OP

Lifes an adventure , lets see where it takes us !?!

Tis great weather for ducks .... and Varadero`s

Mark H

Barrie, I meant the folks that had been on the forum a long time. I understand you getting confused though ;-)

In my defense, my camper is quicker than a few of the Varaderoists I have had the pleasure/misfortune to ride around with! 
Team DNF is now just waiting for another arse kicking...

The Prodded Dog

Quote from: Mark H on  17/12/13 - 19:01:06
Barrie, I meant the folks that had been on the forum a long time. I understand you getting confused though ;-)

In my defense, my camper is quicker than a few of the Varaderoists I have had the pleasure/misfortune to ride around with!

Ahhh memories,memories. The tales we could tell! Where are they all now?? Slider (Del), Bobby Boy, Wennywizard, Max, TSS, Minky, etc. It has been a long and happy association with the past members of this forum and the memories and photos still are dear to my heart. But life moves on and VIMS get more expensive. So much so that for the first year in a long time I will not be going.
All I can say to friends out there and still dropping in here from time to time, have a very Happy Christmas and may the New Year bring you good fortune, happiness and a full length awning for your bungalow on wheels ;D

Still.................. The Prodded Dog (cheers Harv)
I can still do all the things I could when I was 21, but now it is with less teeth.


Oh dear, you can tell the PD has just had a birthday and is feeling his age ? getting all sentimental and soppy.  ::)

I don't care about ' long and happy association with the past members of this forum and the memories' ? I am just fed up and pi**ed off that they must have something better to do than hang about on this Forum. >:( 

As for all the old photos being 'dear to my heart' ? I am not really interesting in having a lump in the front of my throat, I would much rather to be able to have a lump in the front of my trousers! :'(

I am with TPD regarding the next VIM.   I don't ride North in May and the thought of having to make sure no one else was about when I bought a beer has no appeal. :(

I will however join in wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and may the New Year bring you good fortune, and contentment ? after all I would want member to think that I was a grumpy old man ;)


don't 'dis' it 'til you've tried it! ...from a few years back, different Varadero now, but the principle remains. For me there is nothing out there (yet) that can replace the Varadero.
HOC - 28741,  IAM - 284733

S Barker

Quote from: LazyRider on  18/12/13 - 16:49:01

I am not really interesting in having a lump in the front of my throat, I would much rather to be able to have a lump in the front of my trousers! :'(

Fond memories of Max ? ? ?
I wonder what happen if I click on this - Ooops


Yes Happy Christmas and frivolities of the season to you all - my fellow old feckers!


If life IS like a "box of chocolates" - then I got the one with all the bloody nuts in it!


Nah! Crosstourer riders? Feckers. Varadero for ever. Happy Christmas fellow Varadero riders and friends and GS wannabees. What did happen to Max?
Longinus Sdapeze, oldest recorded inhabitant of Camulodunum, a Thracian cavalry officer who died in the year 50AD. If he were alive today he would have ridden a white Varadero with ABS, heated grips and a Palmer screen. Probably! Just like mine.


Max, I think he retrained and is a vicar now ?
hoc membership 28742 but still no badge