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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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Front brake caliper

Started by Micro, 27/06/24 - 13:31:29

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Hi, my 2004 varadero 125 needs a complete front brake caliper. A pin needed removed using a screw extractor which then broke off in the hole. Tried drilling it and even had an engineering firm try to fix it but no joy. Even cobalt bits dont make a dent in it. Anyway, I'm having problems getting a 2nd hand caliper although I can see one's advertised as universal. Any idea if these would work or where I can get a 2nd hand caliper. Thanks in advance for any help.
My  bike is 100% rust free...... I bought the bike and got the rust free .  🚵


Will a caliper from another bike fit it if I got a new bracket made up for it . caliper Possibly from another Honda. I know I'd need one of the same size  it is it possible and safe.
My  bike is 100% rust free...... I bought the bike and got the rust free .  🚵

S Barker

Quote from: Micro on  18/09/24 - 14:14:26Will a caliper from another bike fit it if I got a new bracket made up for it . caliper Possibly from another Honda. I know I'd need one of the same size  it is it possible and safe.

If you try fitting a different part and you have an accident your insurance company are not going to be interested .

According to


The older part No was 45250KPC641 and the current part No is 45250KPC661.

I suspect that this part is use on more than one type of Honda.

Use the part No's and keep searching.
I wonder what happen if I click on this - Ooops