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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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Mechanical / Re: Front brake caliper
Last post by S Barker - 18/09/24 - 17:28:28
Quote from: Micro on  18/09/24 - 14:14:26Will a caliper from another bike fit it if I got a new bracket made up for it . caliper Possibly from another Honda. I know I'd need one of the same size  it is it possible and safe.

If you try fitting a different part and you have an accident your insurance company are not going to be interested .

According to


The older part No was 45250KPC641 and the current part No is 45250KPC661.

I suspect that this part is use on more than one type of Honda.

Use the part No's and keep searching.
Mechanical / Re: Front brake caliper
Last post by Micro - 18/09/24 - 14:14:26
Will a caliper from another bike fit it if I got a new bracket made up for it . caliper Possibly from another Honda. I know I'd need one of the same size  it is it possible and safe.
Mechanical / Manualn Varadero 1000V3 sd02 2...
Last post by Fido28 - 21/08/24 - 13:47:48
I'm looking for a manual for my Varadero 1000xl. It's a 2003 sd02. It's sometimes called Varadero 1000 V3. I've searched online, but there's only one for the carburetor version, i.e. the sd01. Does anyone have one they could share?
Electrical / Re: 2003 v1 xl125 side stand s...
Last post by TdashJ - 18/08/24 - 22:29:47
I would try and clean it all, then check the wire continuity with a multimeter. Sounds to me like it's reading the reverse of what it should be.

Hope you can fix it, that seems incredibly annoying.
Electrical / 2003 v1 xl125 side stand senso...
Last post by S0ldier - 14/08/24 - 17:09:36
Hello there.my baby vara been working fine  never thoight the old model I have even had a side stand sensor. I now have most ANNOYING issue...

When sidestand is UP, engine only starts in neutral but cuts off when I go into gear

When side stand is about a 3rd of the way DOWN (and further) bike starts as normal In any gear and rides totally fine

I can see a wire coming from top of stand, pretty dirty in there

The sensor has never worked as a safety function anyway, is there a way I can just disable it by cutting shorting the cable or something I can do under seat where fuses are?

Any help would be SO Appreciated thanks  :)
Electrical / Instrument cluster
Last post by Paulb1962 - 14/08/24 - 14:25:00
Hi all,
I'm a new member having just bought a veradero 1000 2002.
The lcd display on the speedo and rev counter are burnt out I can't find just the part so need to buy the complete binnacle.
My question is this does it matter if the unit is from a non HISS bike or do I have to have the exact year?
Thanks in advance
General / Aftermarket exhasut options in...
Last post by jonno208 - 29/07/24 - 18:31:55
Hi guys,

I recently bought a Varadero 1000, its a 2007 with 27,700 miles. I like my loud bikes so naturally I am looking to replace the stock end cans.

From some google searching it looks like there are not many options these days, the only new sellers I can see are Black Widow or Dominator. Is there any other options around? I am located in Ireland.

Any comments on which cans you prefer would be appreciated!


Mechanical / Re: 2008 Varadero intermittent...
Last post by S Barker - 10/07/24 - 13:06:51
Select "Entire Forum" and enter "Starting"  in the search box top right.

Lots of suggestions from the past.
Mechanical / 2008 Varadero intermittent no ...
Last post by NewfieVaradero - 10/07/24 - 12:33:44
Hi All, Weird issue going on with my 2008 Varadero 1000. Seem to be having no starts when engine is cold. Battery is brand new and reading 13.1 volts so no issue there. I do occasionally get the Hiss issue where I need to spin the starter to get the fuel pump to prime but lately even when the FI light goes out she'll just crank over and not fire up, if I spin long enough and open and close the throttle it'll attempt to start a few times and then fire up and fire up immediately every time then until cold again. Only 13,000km's on the beast. Anyone have any ideas where to look? Unfortunately the dealer here in Canada knows next to nothing about these bikes. Air filter is new, plugs are new so they shouldn't be causing the problem. Can't really trust the girl right now to go far since I'm afraid she won't fire up away from home. Thanks
Mechanical / Re: XL125 AND A LEAN 7000RPM B...
Last post by Sluggish - 04/07/24 - 16:13:41
Hi there. I realise that it's a long time ago now but did you ever resolve this issue. I seem to have something similar on my 2008 XL125. Would appreciate any pointers.