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S Barker

2024-01-06, 15:48:05
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S Barker

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Electrical / XL1000V no start
Last post by Fishman1952 - 06/06/24 - 01:28:08
Some of the users have rwported no start issue. I experienced the same thing. Lots of crank, no fire. I tried everything I could think of, cycling all the switchs etc. Put it on the trailer and took it to my buddy who has had two Varaderos and put over 100,000k on each. He walked up to the bike, pressed the kill switch ever so slightly off the run position and it fired right up. I was so pissed I could have set the bike on fire right there. He said the switch can get finicky. He dropped some special lube into the spaces between the switch and the housing and it has never happened again.
Electrical / Re: Another HISS Sufferer
Last post by Fishman1952 - 06/06/24 - 01:22:03
Quote from: NTBooth on  16/01/17 - 11:20:22So - My bike is a 57 plate xl1000v Without ABS ;D

Since picking it up I've had some intermittent starting issues with it where the FI and HISS lights would stay on which i have since found out seems to be known issue with Varaderos...

At first a few times switching the engine on and off or flicking the kill switch etc was getting it to work so i didn't mind and just got on with it but it just kept getting worse and because it is my commuter bike (no other transport to work and back) I got in contact with the dealership i bought the bike from because it left me stranded once where i had to push it about a mile home and then again when i needed to start it at home and couldnt get it to go for about 40 minutes. (not a good issue to be having with my only transport to work and back)

First time to the workshop
They cut some new keys for me with new chips in but it didn't fix it so went back again. (also couldn't get the steering lock to work and this is when I found out its because of an aftermarket lock barrel that wasn't long enough to allow the steering lock to work!)

Second time
Chip reader (HISS antenna?) was changed and that should have been the end of it but nope! I was still having the odd bit of trouble so took it back again just to have a quick chat about it etc...then i came out of the shop and couldn't get the bugger started!!!!so ended up leaving it there leading to the third time.

Third time
New lock barrel / ignition switch, More new keys. I was hoping this would be the end of it! but nope!!! went to get on the bike after work and the same issue again!! It took me an hour and a half messing around and had to get my fiance to come and rescue me with some jump cables as the battery had gone. I managed to get it started and got about 50 yards up the road before it completely cut out on me! everything went completely dead, no lights, NOTHING!!! so i pushed it back to where i started. Tried again for another hour after charging the battery a bit but as it reached quarter past midnight i had had enough (so had the Fiance) so we gave up, spoke with the dealership in the morning who picked up the bike.

Fourth time
So this time its had a new ECU and another new set of keys.

The bloke said he has taken everything off the bike stripped to the loom, checked all the wiring, everything seems to be routed properly, no damage to any wires, none look worn, nothing loose, ALL the connections checked, all in good condition and connected properly. Aftermarket alarm/immobiliser working correctly and wired in correctly with no issues (and apparently no way it could affect the HISS anyway). I picked it up on  Friday morning, drove it home fine and have started it since with no issues. But im working nights this week and am back to work tonight (Monday)! so we will see how it goes.

The dealership have been Fantastic throughout but im hoping not to have to step foot in there again! (until its time for a new chain and sprocket anyway!)

Has anybody else had issues as bad as mine where it has left them stranded etc? I've read through a few posts but most seem to say that on and off / kill switch / starting it to move the crank position sensor seems to work for them no issues of being left in the lurch.

Hope to god that the latest fix is the one...Love riding the bike but loosing confidence in it rather quickly! if its not sorted i think ill be migrating back to a V-Strom! >:(

125 Open Forum / Back brake rubbing
Last post by S0ldier - 03/06/24 - 11:11:30
Hello all

Got a problem, think it ties in with £45 boots I got off amazon which are totally solid plastic, made back break seem way sharper

I've noticed now although the back break works there's a continuous rubbing/grinding all the way round, the disc isn't warped or anything.

Is there a simple way to loosen it so it's not rubbing off disc ?

Any help hugely appreciated

125 Open Forum / Re: Urgent help required, righ...
Last post by S0ldier - 29/05/24 - 11:13:19
Hello all

Just so everyone knows, I take no offence that nobody answered, it was kind of a no brainer, also in my intro post I said something to the effect of "I don't wanna be one of those people  who signs up and immediatly asks a question" so honestly it's all good. I look to help others before I ask questions. :)

I got new a set of new pegs on the way, in meantime I was able to get the bolt off main peg holder that broke off, renove passenger peg then attach that to main brake foot peg bracket. Used a new pin and washer cos the old ones were rusted so bad the pin fell to bits trying to get it off !  :))

125 Open Forum / Re: Urgent help required, righ...
Last post by S0ldier - 27/05/24 - 11:14:24
Hello apologies with my first post after introduction is a question.

It's probably a no brainer but can I use one of the passenger footrests as a temporary measure until new footrests come (not for another few days)

Can I use a passenger footrest inplace of main footrest for break on the right hand side ?

125 Open Forum / Urgent help required, right fo...
Last post by S0ldier - 25/05/24 - 11:49:51
Hello, I was actually a member for years but forgot password after not having vara (see introduction post)

It's SO annoying as I've not come close to crashing, but given a couple annoying things happening now both sides of crashbar are scraped.

Anyhoo, to the point, the right hand foot rest/peg for break has broke off, had vara parked leaning up hill, wasn't leaning enough that I would've left it long like that. Anyway it suddenly got windy and blew it downhill onto its right hand side, broke the footrest for break off. I've ordered a new set but they don't come until middle next week.

My question is, can I use one of the passenger foot rests as a temporary fix?

Thanks in advance for any help, it's a nightmare trying to ride with a few centimetres of foot rest left !


2004 Vara 19k miles 8)
Riding Gear / BRILLIANT place to get everyth...
Last post by S0ldier - 20/04/24 - 11:36:21
I thought I'd share my source of excellent quality 2nd hand (also allot of brand new stuff on there) gear for rock bottom prices. I know there is markets on Facebook (Im not a fan of FB and only use when i need to) but using this service is allot safer, sellers dont get money until package(s) is received and as advertised.........

Vinted ! 8)

At first was actually a relative who uses it, and is a bit of a hobby for her, she sells and buys stuff on it quite often and by chance searched for bike jackets. Vinted sort out the shipping & costs adding it to price, and the money is in escrow until end user receives package. Also every user has and are obsessed with their feedback, so seldom would you ever receive something not as advertised as this would jepordise a users 100% perfect feedback

I never imagined using it until I realized how good it is for Biking gear. After splashing out on ,my current Vara i had no gear at all, my last Jacket and trousers had to be cut off by paramedics when 1st Vara was a write off.

Vinted have higher priced mint condition high end stuff or lower priced used/budget end gear

Got a quick first jacket for £9 !! was excellent quality, the Velcro had been used to point it didn't stick too great but the armor, heat insulation, zips and pockets were of the highest quality. Cannot complain atall for £9 !

Excellent very used but still high quality Temporary Jacket - £9

Excellent latest jacket - £40

Boots came yesterday, Fit brilliant - £39

Waterproof armoured trousers - £40

You dont have to sign up OR download the app to browse what people are selling. The good thing compared to facebook or gumtree is people arer obsessed with keeping their feedback 100% so wont send anything other than as described

More Importantly, when you pay, the seller doesnt get the money until you mark it as recieved. Otherwise if it doesnt show the money comes out of escrow and back into your vinted account, which u can cash out no problem.

I have only used it for biking gear but you can get absolutely anything clothing related and also sell any unwanted stuff quite easily. I sold a bunch of old t-shirts and hoodies for on average £2-£5 a piece. I saved the money in my vinted balance which allowed me to buy the boots. ;D

Im not exactly the easiest to cater for when it comes to sizes  ::) , but still got size 11.5 boots and XXL/XL size jacket (inc large waist trousers) very easily.

Just thought id share this with you. Theres allot of brand new RST etc jackets for sale for way cheaper than retail prices also.

I was a bit dubious  ??? using the likes of vinted but as i say, you don't need to join or even have app to browse, just check out their site and you can filter search results to what sizes you need - you can sell all your old clothes to save up for stuff u wanna buy on vinted or elsewhwere.

Hope this helps, it certainly did me, Enjoy  8)
125 Open Forum / Re: First gen carburetor cock ...
Last post by Lemonwizard - 18/03/24 - 19:05:26
Based on some sherlock holming I have concluded that the longer spring with tighter windings (which is a bit floppier than the shorter one) PROBABLY (hopefully) goes into the front carb.

Also, not quite on-topic anymore, but I've made this collage to help me figure out where all these darn hoses go. Hopefully it'll be of use to someone else.
125 Open Forum / Re: First gen carburetor cock ...
Last post by S Barker - 06/03/24 - 20:37:36

They are listed with different part No's but I cant find and details and the manual says nothing about locations for them.

125 Open Forum / First gen carburetor cock up
Last post by Lemonwizard - 06/03/24 - 18:31:00

the first gen 125 I recently bought had stood for about 3 years in someone's garage, and the carbs were completely gunked up. Really nasty. Completely stuck as well, throttle wouldn't budge even a bit.

So I removed them both and gave them a really good bath. Unfortunately I ended up mixing up the parts. Not the biggest issue because I took about a million pictures beforehand... except for the springs of which I did not take pictures and only found out afterwards that they are different. Found information about the different needle sizes in the workshop manuals, but not about the springs.

Which spring goes into which carburetor?